
A few decade ago, Soviet Union instituted a policy called "Glasnost" which made open discussion of policy to the public. This allowed the people to learn more about their government (or actual lack of government) and the people to criticise the political leaders. It was hailed by international world as a good thing as it showed the world what was going on within the Soviet government. The downside was that the openness help to destroy the Soviet government.

Today I read an article about undisclosed fees when purchasing or selling a player. In my opinion, disclosing the price of a player helps fans to see if the owners are ripping the fans off. If existing players are sold at a high price and their replacement are purchased for pocket change, the fan has a right to know if he or she is ripped off. The opposite is also important. If the existing players are sold for pocket change and some yahoos from the boondocks are purchased for huge sums of money, it implies that the management is inept or corrupt.

Secondly when a player is sold, the selling club is either making profits or it wants him out. The player could be undesirable if he is a pain to manage, coasting on previous reputation, injury prone or deteriorating. At that point, the sales price will give some indication as to the fans of the team buying the player.

The exact price of the player is not the issue. The fact that the fans would like to know the value of the team that they are paying to watch is worth the ticket price/cable fee/club merchandise.  


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