Didn't get the memo

One thing that all small organization suffer is the ability to increase its appeal to increase its size. Diversity is hard work when people prefer to be insular and biased. This is especially when the small organization has been feeding its existing people myths about their elitism.

The other problem with small organization attracting people is that it quickly needs a hierarchy. I understand that some organization have choose to remain flat but human being are social creatures. People quickly form their own cliches and subgroups.

You may then ask what this has to do with anything. These two points explain why Trump may find it difficult to win the election. He is happy to accept the support of white supremacy groups. He has retweeted some of their tweets. Take the infamous black crime stats retweet. After endorsing the fact that 81% whites are killed are by black people, and 97% of blacks killed are by black people, it is going to be hard to attract more African American voters. I am not saying that there are no African American voters backing Trump. Larry Wilmore of the Nightly Show manage to find some. But it is not likely that many African American are comfortable with a candidate willing to work with the white supremacy group.

So the African American are out unless Trump wants to send a memo to tell the white supremacy group that they need to be more diverse going forward. I don't foresee that happening before the election. There is still the Hispanics Americans. Except that Trump has in his speech running for presidency has already disparage them. Some people will argue that he was talking about Mexicans and not Americans except he then explain that an American judge born in Indiana was not suitable to judge his case because of the judge's ethnicity.

Well, there is still a lot of white people in America. Even if the Clinton family, Cruz family, Bush family, etc does not vote for him, he should be able to win over the rest of the white American. Except that 50% of white people are female. Trump has expressed his opinion publicly about unattractive women. (Eg. Rosie, Carly and Heidi). So he is going to lock up the super model women's vote right? Except that he has dumped two his wives when they were older for the competition. And Trump has humiliated a former beauty queen for gaining weight. That does not leave very many women.

But there is still the LGBT community. He wants all future immigrants coming into the country to support women rights and LGBT rights. So that will sew up the votes of LGBT people. Maybe if the LGBT people are so gullible. The problem is that the white supremacy groups are not so keen on the LGBT community. Trump could send out a memo enlightening the white supremacy groups that they need to respect the right of other Americans. Nope, I don't see Trump send the memo without winking or tapping the nose.

So what does that leave Trump with? White supremacy groups that endorses him even when he flip flops on his support for them. The white people that want to take back the country through violent means. The people that think that Christianity is under attack in America even though Trump clearly isn't familiar with the bible. Let 's not forgot the 1% who will pay less less taxes, pay zero estate tax and will get tax deduction for their child care expenses if Trump gets elected.

That is still a sizable group except that most of those people also did not get a memo about the cliches and hierarchy. So who is in Trumps inner circle? The suspects include his family members that are getting paid by his campaign. Trump's children apparently were responsible for getting Trump to fire a campaign manager.


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