All I need is the air that I breathe

I was going through several scientific Youtube channels when I accidentally stumbled on to a pseudo- science channel. The person was testing the pH of several commercial brands of bottled water. His aim was to find out which brands were trying to poison its consumers with acidic water as opposed to alkaline water which apparently was a safer choice.

I studied chemistry in school and I know that if water is acidic, it tastes sour. If it is too acidic, I would be in a hospital due to the acid burns. If it was alkaline, it would taste bitter with a soapy aftertaste. I know that my tongue is not as sensitive as the litmus solution but there is no need to taste the sourness or bitterness of the bottled water. The fact is that most unfavoured bottled water is pretty tasteless and if your unfavoured bottled water has taste, you are likely to be a minority.

I am sure that there are some people out there who believe that I need to open my mind to new ideas before acidic water from the tap/bottle kills me. What makes me frustrated is that this information on acidic water killing people should be told to the government. Most governments mandate the use of chlorine or fluorine used in the tap water. If the tap water was still poisonous, the government would just add some chemical into the water supply or require us to buy an alkaline supplementing device.

Governments have eradicated diseases like smallpox and now they suddenly want to kill us with acidic water. Governments have health policies to advise healthy diet and exercise or warn people on the dangers of smoking. Yet the same governments  decide that it is too expensive/complex/difficult to teach people to add more alkaline to their drinking water. I do not know which countries those alkaline water advocates live in but their government sure sounds pretty inept. (By the way, if you want water to be alkaline, just add baking soda. It is safe but it tastes terrible.)

My problem with all the alkaline water advocates is that their pseudo-science makes the scientists and doctors seem incompetent or appear to be part of a conspiracy to keep people sick. What these pseudo-science advocates do is fear mongering. The relatively insignificant pH in drinking water is not going to be a cause of death.  

"A fool's paradise is a wise man's hell." Thomas Fuller



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