Going Native

One thing that I wrote about recently was the concept of animal urbanization. As the urban sprawl expends, the animals learn to coexist with the man made environment. The downside for me is that I assume that most animals that are urbanized are either adapted to city life or have gone feral.

My first mistake was looking a bunch of chickens. As they hunted at the edge of the jungle as well as the mother hen leading her chicks to a little nursery, I assume that the chicken were either escapees or poultry. They turnout to be Red Jungle Fowl. The odd white patch behind the eyes was the give away.

I also took a picture of a monitor lizard. As it was at the bank near some railings, I also assumed that it was an urbanized Malayan Water Monitor and gave it little attention. It turned out to be a Clouded Monitor Lizard. The clue that it was a different type of monitor lizard was its pattern which looks spottier. The snout is also shorter and more triangular.


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