An eye for an eye

Recently, one US of A presidential candidate is singing "My way" to the entire nation. Of course, I mean this metaphorically. He is alienating mothers, war veteransexisting GOP leaders, etc. The two GOP(Grand Old Party aka Conservatives) leaders are Paul Ryan (Speaker of the House) and John McCain (Senator). This article is not getting about sympathy with these two GOP politicians. It is about the price of getting into bed with Trump.

Let's first focus on Paul Ryan. The Speak of the House tried not to endorse Donald Trump as the GOP presidential nominee even when it was clear that Donald Trump was the victor in the primaries. Trump and Paul Ryan had a couple of meeting(which I assume they compromised) and then Paul Ryan endorsed Trump. Paul Ryan has not rescinded the endorsement even though he has spoken up against certain comments made by Trump. Do I think those comments made by Paul Ryan against Trump are reasonable? Yes. A congressman's duty is to uphold the Constitution of United States (All elected US Congressmen and senators have to swear an Oath to Office) even if it means disagreeing with the President or disagreeing with a presidential nominee.

And now Trump is holding back his endorsement for Paul Ryan. This small mindedness shows an unwillingness to work with others for the greater good. Even assuming that the primary challenger is better suited than Paul Ryan, removing the current Speaker of the House will affect the GOP party. They had just lost a Speaker of the House last year due to party infighting. They manage with much difficulty to persuade Paul Ryan to take the job. Their presidential nominee wants to remove him a year later. The impression that party gives is that it cannot even put its own house in order and is yet trying to run a country. One must also remember that the Trump is heavily reliant on the GOP for the ground game and yet Trump feels that he can work against the party.

As for John McCain, he endorsed Trump as well spoke out for the GOP leaders to unite behind Trump. Perhaps his skipping the RNC 2016 event offended Trump. John McCain is a person that had held his peace over the Trump's POW statement. Even when John McCain commented on Trump's POW statement, he made it clear that he was not retaliating against Trump but that smearing the POWs in general was not proper. If John McCain's actions earned him the wrath of Trump, the implications are clearly unthinkable.

Following Trump means never having a different view. For those who think that they could change his mind, it is clear that he was only biding his time for payback.     

“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Confucius


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