Missing the point

One strange trend has caught my eye. When Trump is upset with any man, there is a high chance that his significant other is going to catch some flak. Recently, Trump is having a feud with a cable news host, Joe Scarborough. A few tweets later, Mika Brzezinski the co-host working with Joe also got slimed in the exchange. What attracted my attention was that even Mika had not participated with the feud, Trump promptly dragged her into the sordid mess.

The first victim was Jeb Bush whose pro-immigration views were called into question because he had a wife who was born in Mexico. The wife later became a naturalized US citizen which is legal. The interesting part is that Trump's current wife is also a naturalized US citizen albeit from a European country. The next known victim was Ted Cruz's wife who had an unflattering photo uploaded next to Trump attractive spouse. This was after Trump had threaten to "spill the beans" on Ted Cruz's wife. This is similar to the threat that he issued to Joe Scarborough and I assume Mika that he would "tell the real story".

The story that had to take the cake was the attack on a Gold Star mother. Ghazala Khan was standing in solidarity with her husband at the DRC. Trump who was upset by Ghazala Khan's husband's speech, promptly went on television to imply that Muslim wives/women  "probably, maybe...... wasn’t allowed to have anything to say". Ghazala Khan then had to go on television to refute Trump's claim.

I am agreeable to factually and significant points being brought to the table. Questions on Bill Clinton's wealth, past political decisions and other poor decisions should be asked. The only reason Trump cannot ask those questions of Bill Clinton is that his own behaviour is even worse. Trump may have no political history as he has never ran for office but his past public statements and books do state his views very clearly. Questions about Trump University goes unanswered. Questions about the vendors that he or his companies have spliffed are given the silent treatment.

America has many problems but significant other's appearance/ethnicity/religion is not one of them.


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