The best things may not be the most obvious

Previously, I wondered why a raptor like the Oriental honey buzzard will be interested in eating honey instead of hunting more abandon prey animals. Firstly, my understanding of the Oriental honey buzzard is wrong. It has evolved tight overlapping feathers that make it difficult to be stung by bees. Secondly, hunting honey is more difficult than it appears. The bird will first have to locate the hive. It will make mock dives toward the hive. This makes the bees swarm around the hive. The raptor then lures the bees away from the hive before rushing back to attack the unguarded hive. It uses its talon and beak to break open the hive before flying away with combs of honey in its talons. If you bother to view the entire video (See link), you will also have a few competitors waiting to join in after all its hard work.

An exclusive diet of honey will not be sustainable so the raptors also feed on insects, small prey animals.


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