Depressed about the future :(

One thing I like about watching action sci-fi movie is that you get to see future methods of warfare. So you can imagine my disappointment when I see some limitation that people should have overcome in future. I am not referring to some post-apocalypse future where man has returned back to stone age. I am referring to an advanced futuristic world where they are still carrying some ancient technology.

Take the movie Avatar. In the year 2154, when the marine controlled Navi carried weapons, the weapon was still a machine gun. It behaves like a machine gun as the weapon recoils, has muzzle flashes when fired and uses physical ammunition. 150 years ago, we had repeating rifles. 50 years after that, we had the semi-auto rifle. 50 years after that, we had assault rifles. And then for two centuries, the fundamental design of the weapon does not change except in its size.

If that is not depressing enough, in the film Fifth Element, in the year 2263, people will still have to stand guard in spaceports. There are several advantages of having a building. You can build security into its design. There are fixed entrances so all travellers can be filtered to certain checkpoints (or chokepoints). But I guess it is cheaper to hire guys to stand around as bullet soaks. The days of people standing security are coming to an end. Security people get tired, distracted and bored.

Finally, take the film Total Recall (both of them). There was a scene in which a group of special action police surround the protagonist with their weapons drawn. Increasing, it is more logical that there will be a few police reinforced with heavily armed robots. A human can only carry one weapon but a robot can be designed to carry a number of different types at the same time. Robots can be programmed to have faster reaction time. Moreover, the robot is expendable compared to their human operators. The human operators can remain out of danger while controlling the robots. Moreover, a robot can build as robust as you want. There is only so much protection you can give to a human being before he or she becomes a statue.


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