
Today is a very lucky day. I manage to capture quite a few unique pictures. Let me start with the easiest blog.

Pair of Collared Kingfishers.
Two hearts, believing in just one mind...

Pair of Pacific swallows
Do you come from a land down under ....

Too small? I will up it with a pair of raptors. The white headed raptor is a Brahminy Kite. I am still figuring out the identity of the second raptor.

But now its time to go....

Can you take me high enough...

Not good enough? How about the raptors in motion? BTW, I have no clue if those raptors are the same as the one above as they were joined by a third raptor and they kept flying in and out of my view

Two blue-throated bee eaters. I was quite puzzled as it was the same tree that the raptors were circling and landed on and off.
that don't impress me much ...

I saw another two blue-throated bee eaters on another tree.
...I'm not the only one...


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