Victory lap or rubbing it in?

Now that the conservatives in America are in power, you did expect them to start "making America great again" or MAGA. If you look at some of the legislation that was passed, you did be wondering if there was some hillbilly coup of the government.

Let me give you one example. It is now legal to hunt hibernating bears. Now, we know that the conservatives are concern about bears that schools could be allowed to have guns. But unless there are bears hibernating in schools (which means America education system has bigger problems than bears.), there is no need to hunt bears when they are hibernating. Now, before some right wing nut starts to blow smoke, subsistence hunters are allowed to hunt hibernating bears. The pest control issue does not fly with me as it is a pretty useless hunter who cannot find the bear during the rest of the year when the bear is active. And please don't start by claiming that shooting hibernating bears protects the border, improves health care, protect firearms ownership or any other stuff that the conservatives "truly" care about.

If it was one example, it could be just a coincidence and part of the give and take in life. But it is not. It is now acceptable to shoot animals with lead ammo even though it is known that the lead fragments poison the predators (Eagles) that eat the remains of the hunted animal. Now, if the hunter eats the entire animal and poison himself or herself, I have nothing to say. But the reason why the requirement of not using lead ammo was that it was "too hard" to find lead ammo.

This is America where guns are very easy to be purchased. You can even buy guns over the Internet. This is a country where people are buying gun parts over the Internet so that they can have own undocumented/untraceable weapons. It is also a known fact that people are handloading. (DIY cartridges production) to save cost (Or to hide their ability to build their own arsenal.). And somehow we are supposed to believe that the shooters are not able to afford the more expensive non-lead ammo(It is also twice the price)? Or that it also takes too much time to get used to the flight path changes of the lighter bullet? So we are going to believe that the shooters who tried their best to purchase non-lead ammo and failed will now carry a shovel as well as bury the carcass of their prey?      

In the words of Bill Maher, "(Republicanism)....Looking at any problem and asking what would a $@#% do?" And all this within the first three months of Trump's presidency.  


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