Signs, Signs everywhere is signs

One fun trick that I do when I am not able to see any interesting animals to shot is that I use the Nikon P900 to read signs. What this trick does is to show the power of the zoom on the camera.

See that no smoking sign?

There is no chance for me to spot it from that distance with the naked eye. And the ship below is taken with the zoom used in the camera,

Part of my interest in camera occurred a decade ago when I tried to take a picture of an aircraft carrier. I could see that it was a carrier from that distance. When I borrow my friend's DSLR camera with its zoom lens to take that shot, it looked terrible. The replicate aircraft carrier in the Battleship games looked better than that blurry grey blob. To date, I have only seen 2 aircraft carriers with my own eye. The first time was when I was travelling to an army camp by a bumboat. To give you an idea how massive the aircraft carrier as a ship, it took my bum boat more than a minute to sail past the stationary aircraft carrier. So you can understand why I was pretty unimpressed when the DSLR with a zoom lens produced a poor picture.  


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