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One problem with most non-ornithological people is that they assume that any bird with a large wingspan, a mean looking curved beak and strong talons to be an eagle. This naturally includes smaller birds of prey like hawks and kites.

The correct term is raptor which describes birds of prey that hunt animals that are similar in size to itself.

There is also an assumption that any bird of sufficient size (at least larger than crows) that eats carrion as a vulture. It is helpful that the bird is bald but since carrion eaters are usually messy eaters the clue is not always obvious. The thing is that most bird of prey will eat carrion if the opportunity presents itself.

Finally, on the subject of bald head vultures, the benefit may not solely be due to the fact that the bird can be a messy eater sticking its head into the carrion's crevices. Apparently, the lack of feathers allows the bald birds to cool more rapidly. And when the temperature drops, the bird can tuck its head under its wing.      



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