The opposition is losing their wits

It seems that the Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn's heart was not pushing for the Remain vote. His troops are complaining about the lack of leadership during the referendum. Even though the Labour party was not the ruling party, the role of the shadow government is not to watch things unravel. Unless they had a plan of handling the EU separation. But the EU separation seems to have caught everyone in Britain by surprise.

Resignation after a breakup with EU? Apparently Nigel Farage, the leader of UKIP has resigned as he has achieve his political ambition. I have utter "respect" for leader that start a war and leave the people to fix the mess.

Now call me suspicious but Nigel Farage used to work in the City trading in metal commodities. And now he was resigning just after his last significant action causes the gold price to increase to its highest price in three years. Hmmm?


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