Helping hand

Currently, the word on the street is Brexit and how it is affecting Britain. It can be summed up in one sentence. British people are tried of being taken for a ride by their leaders and they are taking their frustration out on EU.

My worry is that in life, the bogeyman is seldom so obvious and there is often someone pulling the strings. Or at least trying to get rich on your struggle. Take Donald Trump. He tried to get rich with a Trump Mortgage in 2006. When the 2008 property market tanked, he tried another line of business in the MLM. It also went south. My point is that no matter who dealt with Donald Trump, they often became poorer. Banks, vendors, "lucky investors" often became poorer after dealing with him.

But some people will assume that this type of problems occur only in America. Let us see how the mess in Britain plays out. The vultures already had their first bite. I am pretty certain some rich parasites are currently figuring out how to benefit in the chaos. If they have not already put their plans into play.

One thing that I often see in the jungle when I come across monkeys is that they are often grooming each other. I understand that grooming is important since a monkey that is not groomed is likely to be in poor health. However, there is a price to be groomed. The monkey getting groomed most likely has to reciprocate the favour. If the monkey is at the bottom of the totem pole, it will have to offer more grooming services then it receives. (It may even have to suffer more domination depending on its species.)
If I could touch your body.....
My point is not that the downtrodden needs to stay down to smoothen the path of others. My point is that it is important that everyone in society tries to work together instead of changing the top dog. Remember the politicians who supported Brexit are now changing their tune on diverting the resources to NHS. The Egyptian first kicked out a dictator, end up choosing a radical religious leader. who due to his heavy handedness, found himself replaced by the military. Someone will be the top dog but it will not be the people.


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