New bird

Recently, while hiking on a hill, I encountered this bird. It looked like a Mynah except for its head. As I was unsure what I was looking at, I took a few pictures of the picture and continued my way.

When I was home, I started researching on the identity of the bird. I tried Google image which informed me it was a bird but not much else. The birds that it thought were similar looked very different.

The issue with the bird was its feathers. I had only the back view of the bird so I had grey/brown feathers to go on. Not very much to go on.

With some more legwork, I found that it matches the bulbul species in its size and beak appearance. It did not look like any type of bulbul so I was again stumped. With a bit more checking, I found that it is a close match for a Juvenile Olive Wing Bulbul.


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