Gone Rogue

I find it very interesting that two governments in recent months that were accused of underhanded activities aginst foreign nations had used the same excuse. The actions were perpetrated by individuals in the country but the actions were not state sanctioned. What is especially interesting is that the two countries happened to be 134th and 135th in a democratic index.

The first country that I am talking about is Russia. Putin suggested that his countrymen could have acted against the American government in a concerted effort to influence the Presidential election. In spycraft, this is known as being disavowed. This is quite ingenious considering how Russia clamps down on opposition against the government. However, perpetrators of underhanded activities against other government are winked at.

The second country is Qatar which the actions are a little more arm's length. Qataris are not taking covert action against any nation. They, however, have citizens to provide an accommodating financial arrangement with certain groups. It has been suggested that such arrangements have gone as far as literally housing these groups. These groups have a distressing tendency to make thing burns, go boom even result in bullet holes in people in other countries.        

What I find it ironic is that in both countries, the press is muzzled against speaking out against the government but is given a free hand to speak out against other countries. Ahh, nothing like the exercise of throwing stones while living in glass houses.


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