
One habit that soldiers and ex-soldiers love to do is to claim that they have military, tactical or strategic skills that their superiors fail to utilize. While most people take these claims with a pinch of salt, one American has taken it further. He claimed that as he went to a military boarding school, he has "more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military." Now I am not going to disparage military boarding schools but if the army's training is inferior to military boarding schools, the army is in a pretty bad shape. As usual, Trump has not given any information on his military superior skills that the rest of the army can best so we have to assume that he is the only person of this opinion. We also have to remember that Trump is the only participant in the military boarding school which has made such a claim. This makes me wonder if all the other attendees of the school were dead (Nope.) or were out on field training when Trump gained his enlightenment.

Trump has also claimed that he knows more about more about ISIS than the generals do. Note that the word generals is plural. Trump is claiming that he knows more about ISIS than the generals engaged in fighting ISIS. These generals are briefed by several intelligence teams and have access to classified sources of intelligence. Yet a mere billionaire is claiming to have more knowledge about ISIS based on what is available to the public than these professionals do. The only way this is possible is that Putin is sharing classified information with Trump. But I digress.

These claims by themselves are not a real concern except that Trump intends to take action based on his megalomaniac beliefs. He is going to give the generals a "thirty-day" deadline to come up with a plan to defeat ISIS. Now, as a matured professional, I know that complex problems cannot be resolved by adding more constraints. Demanding a deadline will not make the problem easier to resolve. It reminds me of a quote during the Vietnam war, "The American have watches but we (the Vietnamese) have the time.". Unless Trump intends to use nuclear weapons but I digress. (However, if Trump suggests using nuclear weapons on ISIS, I like to remind everyone that I got first dibs on this claim.)

But Trump still has an ace up his sleeve. He will use "different generals". Unless Trump is intending to borrow generals from Putin, I do not see how that will make a difference. But I digress. The facts will not change. The American army will just have new generals. The American army will work with the same weapons, the same soldiers, and the same constraints (Unless Trump wants to commit war crimes. Which I need to point out that Trump has not ruled out.) . The problems faced by the American army will not change even if Putin works hand in hand with the Americans. I also need to point out that if Trump works hand in hand with Putin, there is a risk that other allies may pull out and other parties may see a chance to create more chaos.

What scares me is that 88 retired American generals are backing Trump.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"  Juvenal from Satires


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