No apology

One very sad fact that I learn in life is that mistakes are for other people. I often find that people will often make stories about their failures by claiming to be victims. If they own up to mistakes, they will do it strategically by positioning themselves as pragmatists or by pretending that their faults are minimal as compared to others.

The saddest fact is that one of US of A Presidental candidate is attempting to seek office by pretending to be perfect. First, lets us get the "no apology" apology out of the way first. Trump tweeted that he was sorry that his IQ is higher than most people. That tweet was basically an excuse to be rude.

Trump has regretted demeaning Ted Cruz's wife but he certainly has not publicly apologized for it. The people that he was fired or are forced to resigned have not been his mistake. Apparently, there is some mysterious cosmic force working against his campaign that can only be fended off by sacrificing his campaign staff.

He made vague statements about regretting saying certain things on the stump but he has not been specific about anything. This makes the regret seem self-serving as it does not identify any issue that he made any mistake over. He claimed that the current President was not born in US of A. Now that the facts have overwhelmingly shown that Trump is wrong, he does not want to talk about it.

When Trump retweets or tweets erroneous information, the blame is always on the source instead of Trump for sourcing information in an incompetent or biased fashion. Logically if you sourced information from extremist people, your facts are likely to be wrong.

As for Trump making his peace with his maker, he does not appear to need much forgiveness. I guess it is everybody else's fault. That is why when Trump loses the election, he is a victim. Trump foretold that his rival will cheat even when there is no evidence.


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