Body language

Sometimes when I am taking photos of wildlife, I tend to notice if the animal is preoccupied with other matters. Recently, I saw a White Throated Kingfisher. It was surveying the surroundings.

It then started focussing on a certain spot. I actually have a few shots as it kept this pose for a minute or so.

And action! OK, I missed the action shot as the kingfisher flew a little too fast for me to catch it in action. But you can figure out what it was focusing on. The water spots on the wooden board showed that the kingfisher got wet in the hunt. It was in the midst of ruffling its feathers to shake off the water.

Once it was comfortable, it then stood down and I assume proceeded for its meal.

The kingfisher's process is similar to the US of A Airforce OODA loop. Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.


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