Make believe

One of the strangest thing that is happening in the US of A Presidental election is that one candidate is making up stories about people endorsing him or giving him advice. Take the recent case of the Trump getting advice from a top Chicago police officer who is promising to reduce crime "in one week". Except that the police officer is not identified and so far no senior police officer has owned up to meeting Trump.

Now Trump supporters will argue that it is similar to Clinton trying to pin the blame on the email server on Colin Powell's advice to use a separate server. Except that Clinton gave a name of a person who was able to refute or clarify the claim. Trump has given us no information to date on the Chicago police officer's identity. Trump says that the person was not the police chief but that is not particularly helpful to narrowing down the person's identity. Trump also said that he sent the name in but it is clear that nobody in Chicago got the name.

Trump is supposed to have supporters on social media which is why he was able to get the Republican nomination. It turns out that some people whom he is retweeting about never tweeted or seem to retweet Trump tweets. For a person who has followers who are proud to tweet things to him, it seems strange that he chooses only suspicious accounts to retweet. But perhaps some of those suspicious accounts are really "shy Trump supporters" who do not want anybody to know that they support Trump.

So the question is simple. Why is the person who is "likely" to win the next election trying to make up stories about non-existing people? I guess that is how the winner who will make the American people tried of winning gets things done.

Update: Trump is caught making up stories about his importance. He claimed that 14 years ago, a White House Delegation asked his opinion about going into Iraq. Strangely enough, nobody has successfully found any participants of the alleged meeting. US of A should really track down the MIB agents or the RIPD agents that are messing with Trump.


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