
It has been several days since the Brexit occurred and there are three rather worrying facts that have emerged after the vote was tallied.

Firstly, the number of Google searches for what is EU apparently spiked after the vote. There is some dispute as to the total number of searches signify anything. Still one would expect all the voters to have been informed about the EU and to the consequences of leaving EU. It is possible that the searches could be done by citizens who did not vote. Still this is a pretty weak excuse considering that voting is one of the basic duties of a citizen.

Secondly, there are footage of voter who have regretted their decision voting for the Brexit. The only thing I can say is that they should have considered their vote more seriously. To put it bluntly, the rest of the world was pleading with UK not to do anything stupid.

Lastly, all the politicians who were pushing for the Brexit are now singing a different tune. People were promised that all the EU contribution will be routed to the NHS (Britain's health programs). The head of one opposition party confessed that it is not going to happen. The politicians also stated that they wanted to ban all immigrants from coming to the UK. Apparently, it is not going to happen unless Britain wants to suspend all EU laws with immediate effect which will result in retaliation or other sanctions by the EU.

My point is not to bash the British people (The late night talkshows and news agencies have already done it for me).  I like to point out that humans are fallible. We are more incline to believe things that we are biased towards. We assume that other people will be tolerant of our faults. In moments of passion or other emotion, we tend to make irrational choices.

At the end, we have to recognise our mistakes and learn from it. Politicians all around the word will use this incident to caution their voters to vote wisely. We already had the lesson from Greece less than a year ago. I am not implying one should not vote for one's interest. However, if the choice is between wishful thinking and what is practical, I do think that what is practical should be carefully considered.
Once you go, there was never never an honest word....
"A weak man has doubts before a decision, a strong man has them afterwards." Karl Kraus


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