A new day

Recently as I was hiking in a nature reserve, I saw a sign explaining why some young leaves are not green. The simple reason was that when the leaves are young, they need protection from the strong sunlight. The dark colour protected the leaf like an umbrella. You can look up more of this information under the scientific term photoinhibition.

Turned over a new leaf ......

The leaf then slowly changes to a green colour when the green pigment (chlorophyll) starts entering the leaf. Chlorophyll converts sunlight to energy for the plant.

You might ask so what is interesting about the colour of young leaves. The point is that plants are relatively brain dead. It is one of the reasons why certain religions consider a vegetarian diet to be less cruel. But even plants recognise that it is not possible to get newbie to be productivity on the first (or first few days) of work. The newbie needs to get the correct  resources (Information, understanding, etc) before he or she can be productive.

Yet, I often encounter managers who enjoy throwing newbies into the deep end of the pool. Sigh. Maybe we can learn somethings from even plants.


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