
One of the common problems that I face when taking pictures is that the camera is not focusing in on the correct thing. No matter I try to do a manual focus or use the auto focus, the camera just refuses to focus on the correct thing.

One example is the spider on a spider web.
Can't take my eye off you .....
 The camera will focus on the background instead of the spider. Even if I manually focus on the spider, the camera has a tendency to auto-correct the focus and I end up missing out on the spider. This quickly becomes an exercise of my patience and I usually fluff the shot or I have to spend a longer time taking it.

The camera is able to detect small objects as I am able to catch this insect. So size is not the issue. Perhaps the detection programs suffers from Arachnophobia.
I am too sexy for ......
"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we live." Norman Cousins


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