F is for ...

One of the mysteries of nature was its ability to build flying creatures. Man took many years to solve its difficulties. When I talk of flight, I am referring to controlled flying. A catapult could hurl a person through the air but there is little control in the flight. Man also build (gun powder powered) rockets but those devices were inaccurate, to say the least. I am also excluding gliding which is a controlled descent.    

The first belief was that flying required wings. Hence we have stories like Icarus flying too close to the sun with wings made of feathers and beewax. Or myths like beings (Eg. Angels, gods) with wings. The problem was that although all flying creatures have wings, the truth was that flying required sufficient downward thrust to overcome gravity. Once wings stopped being seen as the panacea, the focus on overcoming gravity's pull helped man to fly with airship or blimps. 

The other problem was the focus on weight. In nature, the number of flying creatures decrease exponentially as their weight increases. The truth again was nature had two cards up its sleeve when it came to heavier creatures flying. The heavier fliers used environmental factors like differences in air temperature to gain altitude. Alternatively, other fliers flew in formation to reduce resistance. Although the leading flier enjoys no benefit, the birds rotate the task of flying in front. The point is that flying is defined by the energy efficiency. If one could be energy efficient in flying, weight became a secondary consideration.    

The truth is that knowing the right question is often better than getting the right answer. Today most people fly merely to get from one location to a distant destination as quickly as possible. At the moment the most efficient and feasible method is by flying but it may not be that way forever.  


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