Fact of the week: Bull$hit vs Horse$hit

I use the word BS and HS interchangeably. But there is actually a difference. Cattle are ruminants. They eat grass. Then let the grass ferment in their digestive system. Once the stuff is sufficiently fermented, they regurgitate it and then chew their cud. Swallow the chewed cud and then digest the stuff. Hence the methane (belched out of the mouth) and other byproducts.

Horses graze. Think snacking in large amounts. In the wild, they eat and then roam to their next grazing ground. The downside is the food is less efficiently digested. But more can be consumed within the same time. 

But back to the byproducts. There is a difference between HS and BS. HS burns plants. It needs to be composted before being used.
When people tell you that manure is more natural, you might still be in for surprise when you find out the farmed animals may have grazed on herbicides sprayed grass or hay. Instant plant death for the unsuspecting.


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