Things that show that America has gone tribal

One thing that conservatives love to claim is that people quote them when they make an honest mistake. Getting one word wrong or mispronouncing words.

And then along came Trump who hit the ball out of the stadium with this statement.

“want to raid Medicare to pay for socialism.”

If you do not understand the problem, Medicare is an American government-funded program to pay for the senior citizens with medical problems.  

Socialism according to the conservatives is any government program that pays its citizen for not doing anything (Being disabled or poor. Or in the case of Medicare, for growing old.). Instead of letting the free market do its magic (Encouraging people to work hard or starve).

This is the truth about American conservatives politics. The government should pay for only the right type of programs (that benefit the conservatives) and any other programs are immoral or illegal. And no, the Democrats have no interest in "raiding" Medicare. 


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