Fact of the week: New and improved

Caterpillars eating ant grubs? Known that.

Do you know what the caterpillars do to the ants? Besides eating their grubs.

First, the butterfly lays its eggs where the ants are found. This part is important as the eggs will be protected by the ants.

This is the last time that the ants do not lose in this exchange. When the caterpillar is born, it will milk the aphids. 

Guess who is maintaining the flock of aphids? The ants.

But wait. That is before it moults. When it moults, it needs protein. And that is when the ant infanticide begin.

When it moults, it starts to have a different scent. And the ants carry the caterpillar into its nest among its young.

To make the deal literally sweeter, the caterpillar starts secreting an addictive fluid that the ants start taking. 

That is why when it comes to parasites, I am not surprised if they are the most numerous species in the world.


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