When it rains, it pours

Yesterday was a wet day. It was difficult to catch many birds as the photographer (me) was not keen to get wet. But sensing a change in the weather pattern, I popped out for a shot.

Around the house
One thing that I do as a precaution is to take a few pictures. I have forgotten my camera's memory card. That wasted trip made me have a different M.O.
Olive Backed Sunbird (Male)

Pink neck green pigeon (Female)
A bird that I spotted while waiting for the rain to stop. Nothing special except it is green and harder to spot in the trees.

One difficult task of shooting birds is that the small birds their speed make it hard for one to capture it. This bird is especially a pain as its head is black making its eyes difficult to capture. Quick focus and exposure adjustment required.
Scarlet-backed flowerpecker
A rather common bird if the camera zoom is good. Otherwise, it is usually a hard bird to see. It is quite slim. The clue is the longish beak.
Blue-tailed Bee-eater
Oriental Dollarbird
Another bird that is hard to capture as it is dark and prefers to be perched in high places. The giveaway is its size. It is slightly bigger than a Mynah.

Around the first stomping ground
One of the most common birds in Singapore due to its lack of fear of humans.
Yellow Vented Bulbul
One of the smartest birds. The Parakeet family have a pretty impressive bird brain.
Long-tailed parakeet (Male and Females)
If you say Kingfisher in most part of Asia, this is the bird that most people immediately picture.
Collared Kingfisher 
This pictures like a crane painted using the paintbrush in the Chinese art style.
Grey Heron

One of the hardest birds to spot as it is often hopping or flying from one spot to another.
Common Iora 
To be confirmed. Drongo but nothing else is certain. The breast flecked with white makes it different from the Greater Racket-tailed Drongo.
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo Or Crow Billed Drongo

Around the second stomping ground
Common sunbird.
Olive Backed Sunbird (Female)
Second most common Kingfisher. A close competitor to the Collared Kingfisher in numbers. 
White Throated Kingfisher
Then a distant cousin. In spite of being called Common Kingfisher, it is a rare sight in this part of the world.
Common Kingfisher

They are likely to be Oriental Honey Buzzards. 

There is a cool effect of the poor lighting. The birds like they were painted using Chinese brush art. 

Not a raptor. But a small bird just metres away from the raptor above. The proof that raptors are not Avian killing machines. 
Coppersmith Barbet

A bird out of place. It is usually seen waddling in the water. Except that this time it was upon a tree.
Striated Heron

Around the third stomping ground
The most common bird around the waterways in Singapore. Canals, reservoirs, ponds. These
Pacific Swallow

This is a tricky bird to identify.
Little egret
A Grey Heron captured with better colouring.
Grey Heron


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