New and improved?

Sometimes big corporations fail in their rollout of new products. Sometimes it is due to the lack of foresight, funds or blindness.

Today, my gripe will be about MacDonald's. They recently introduced a herb chicken pie. Was it great? No, but then for its price, it was value for money. If it was value for money, then what I am upset about?

When they introduced the herb chicken pie, they also brought back an old seasonal item. The seaweed shaker fries. And they decided to tweak with the recipe.

If you ever tweak a recipe and you keep it a secret, the customers are going to more upset. Seaweed shaker fries is just normal fries with a special seasoning. I doubt the seasoning is truly expensive to produce which makes the formula change more difficult to tolerate.

I gagged at the first fry when a foreign taste hit my tongue. It is like drinking a sugary beverage and getting a savoury taste. Confused and trusting, I tried the second fry. It tasted similar to the original favour except that there was something off. I am not a connoisseur so I could not put my finger on the problem. The new formula was still sweet and salty but there was a hint of a chemical taste.

Throughtly suspicious, I looked at the packaging. It had changed from a drab green to a gold colour. Now, normal companies do not change their packaging as it might confuse the customer. In this case, I was pretty confused.

I took a long time to swallow all the fries (Army training. The next meal could be worse). But it will be a longer time before I try the seaweed shaker fries. 



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