The 3 A's of learning - Part 3

At some point in your education, you will realize that you are able to ace the test but you do not have the confidence to do the job. You have master the theory (or understood the theory). You may have some practical experience in the laboratory, workshop or job attachment. But you do not have the edge in the real world.

Now, most people will say that experience is the missing ingredient. That is not true. We know of some people who are not competent in their job no matter how long they have been in it. Improvement in skill comes only with the correct attitude. This is what makes the difference between a journeyman and a master. This is not to diminish the skills of a journeyman since not everybody can afford a master craftsman. But somewhere along the line, there is a person who puts in more effort, thoughts or resources into improving one's skill. That person will then emerge from the pack and get into a class of his or her own.

Doing it with my eyes closed

Not everything can be found in a textbook. Not everything can be taught in class. However, there is a chance for everyone to improve in the real world. The question is if the student is ready to take the next step?


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