Camera Accessories Part 4

One thing that you may hear if you watch a lot of English television show is the phrase "Oh blimey" It is a remark to mean that something has gone wrong

Now take a look at the picture below.

I know that it looks warped and distorted. The point is that the title of the is seen very clearly. This picture is taken with my smartphone without the flash indoor with an external len. If you compare this with my supposely best photo taken in the day outdoors, you did think that I was using a different device.

In a way, I did by changing the camera (in the smartphone) to manual. This stop the flash from triggering. It had a few setting that I could use. I decrease the ISO as well as the shutter speed. This resulted in the picture above. I guess I now have more experiments for the external lens. Will update once I get a positive result.


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